Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jacob 's Science Fair Project

Jacob is our first child to rate in the Heritage Middle School Science Fair.
He did his project on whether it was easier to unscramble wors written in a line or written in a circle . His results showed that it was easier for words written in a circle. He now has to present his project to the County judges in San Bernardino. Unfortunately this is during the Easter vacation, so he isn't too happy about that, but he is proud of his trophy and rosette.

Train Trip to Olvera Street in LA

Colin John Kayser turned 6 on February 19. He celebrated with a joint birthday party with has classmate Sarah who shared his birthday. The party was at Mcdonalds in Hesperia. The kids were entertained by a very talented balloon man.

George Ryan Kayser turned 18 on February 7, 2009. We had planned to have a big party for him and his friends, but the arrangements just didn't work out. So he spent the day with his friend Joe who invited him to go shooting.

We didn't get to celebrate as a family either so it was very disappointing. Maybe he will have to have a joint gradauation and 18th birthday party. Sorry George. He was very excited to have his braces off on March 17th, and now only needs to wear a retainer.